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Corn gluten meal

In pet food, one of the more popular non-traditional ingredients is Corn Gluten Meal (CGM). What is a corn gluten meal from Fulaier? But what I know is that they are made from corn, and they are good for pets as they are full of protein and amino acids. This text will discuss what makes CGM so well suited for pets, how it betters the world in which they live, stops weed growths, and compares to other popular additives, as well as where it fits with those on gluten-free diets.

Uses of Corn Gluten Meal in Pet Food

CGM protein and loads of amino acids are good for growing strong for your pets. It is a plant-based alternative to animal proteins or soy. CGM and corn gluten meal protein from Fulaier. It is also easier to digest, making it an optimal choice for dogs with food allergies. CGM is not only good for pets but also has some other benefits. This will help limit the risk of cystitis in cats and relieve stress or inflammation in dogs.

Why choose Fulaier Corn gluten meal?

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