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Lysine animal feed additive

Lysine is the only essential amino acid for animals along with meth ionone. This has to do primarily with their overall welfare, as well in terms of factors like weight gain and reproductive performance. It is the amount of lysine an animal consumes that affects its growth and development, as well their reproductive function with Fulaier feed additive market.

Why Lysine is Essential in Animal Feed

Most importantly, it is the amino acid that becomes most limiting for animal health and growth. Although lysine is naturally consumed by animals in their diet, Fulaier feed additive industry can be effectively deficient to meet the increased requirements you have. Addition of lysine to animal feed is therefore required in order for animals to be provided with enough lysine that they need. This amino acid is required for protein synthesis, affecting muscle growth and feed efficiency. Moreover, lysine enhances the immune and health status of animals.

Why choose Fulaier Lysine animal feed additive?

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