

สารเติมแต่งอาหารสุกร ประเทศไทย

What do you think pigs enjoy eating? Wekl, as it kalns out they like many foods! That said, staple meals don't at all times lower the mustard for these charming squealers. This is where swine feed additives come in to help!

    Know More about Feed Additive

    Feed additives: These are special ingredients that we add to the pigs' food to boost their health and performance in general. These factors are vital in maintaining the pigs well built and healthy. Colonist prebiotics and organic acids are among the beneficial additives.

    Swine Feed Additives to increase performace and health

    Swine feed additives are vitally essential to support pigs grow faster and remain healthy. One application is that probiotics help keep the pigs digestive system in top shape. And because the pig can then do a better job of digesting food, it causes them to grow faster and gain weight more quickly. Prebiotics also support the development of beneficial microflora, promote gastrointestinal health and help pigs extract important nutrients from feed.

    Why choose Fulaier swine feed additives?



